Exif info
    • Image Width: 3168
    • Image Height: 4752
    • Bits Per Sample: 8 8 8
    • Compression: JPEG (old-style)
    • Photometric Interpretation: RGB
    • Make: Canon
    • Model: Canon EOS REBEL T1i
    • JFIFVersion: 1.02
    • Resolution Unit: None
    • X-Resolution: 1
    • Y-Resolution: 1
    • Compression: JPEG (old-style)
    • Image Description: I had just got to el teatro principal when i saw Eduardo sitting on a side of el teatro while playing the guitar. For a while i wanted to photograph someone on that spot at that time of the afternoon. Eduardo is a music student. He's been playing the guitar for 4 years. In the faculty he has learned to play the cello and the bass. I had the doubt if it was difficult to play the bass, he cleared it by demonstrating a couple of techniques on how to play the bass with his guitar, Eduardo made it look easy. Altough he told me that as any other instrument, it has it's level of difficulty. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Acababa de llegar al teatro principal cuando vi a Eduardo que estaba sentado en un costado del teatro tocando su guitarra. Tenia rato de querer fotografiar a alguien en ese punto, a esa hora de la tarde. Eduardo es estudiante de música. Toca la guitarra desde hace 4 años. En la facultad ha aprendido a tocar el chelo y el bajo. Tenía la duda de si tocar el bajo era dificil y Eduardo la aclaro demostrandome un par de técnicas de cómo se toca el bajo con su guitarra, Eduardo lo hizo parecer facil. Aunque me dijo que como todo instrumento, tiene su grado de dificultad. This picture is #96 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at www.100Strangers.com
    • Model: NIKON D3000
    • X-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Y-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Resolution Unit: inches

Día de Reyes

5 de Enero del 2012. A los globos se los comieron en el aire los buitres. Foto con una Canon, porque no había otra cosa. u_u In some Latin-American countries, the 5th of January is the day for kids all over to write their letters to the Three Wise Men (equivalent in the sense of presents to Santa Claus for other countries). Some of them leave their letters inside home for the presents to arrive the morning after, some of them tie them to a balloon and let them soar.

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