Exif info
    • error: Search failed due to error: Permission denied (error #2)
    • JFIFVersion: 1.02
    • Resolution Unit: inches
    • X-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Y-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Compression: JPEG (old-style)
    • Image Description: SONY DSC
    • Make: SONY
    • Compression: JPEG (old-style)
    • Image Description: Lots of people that knew i was working on the project asked if i was going to photograph him. I had planned to photograph him eventually, but due to so many people asking me that, decided to leave him for the end. But the fact that i didn't see him on december got me a bit worried, so i decided i'll photograph him as soon as i saw him. 5 minutes after thinking this i saw him at el barrio del artista and didn't waste any time. Leo knows he's not a stranger, but since i didn't know him he let me photograph him. A very interesting person, he's from Sinaloa and he lives in Puebla since more than 20 years. He's an artist en he does poetry mainly. In the past he got the first and later the second place of a national sculpture contest. His parents supported him as an artist, but they wanted him to study something so he could mantain himself. He has a major in philosophy and psychology. He even got to teach psychology in a college. He's also kind of a globtrotter, he has traveled trough all states of Mexico 4 times and also has visited 9 countries. I was about to take his pictures, when he started to joke with a couple who were close and he made this pose. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Muchas personas que sabían que trabajaba en el proyecto me preguntaron si lo iba a fotografiar a él. Tenia planeado fotografiarlo eventualemente, pero debido a tantas personas preguntadome eso, decidí dejarlo a él para el final. Solo que en todo Diciembre no lo vi por el centro y eso me preocupo, asi que decidí fotografiarlo en cuanto lo viera. 5 minutos después de pensar esto lo vi en el barrio del artista y no perdi el tiempo. Leo sabe que no es tan desconocido, pero como yo no lo conocía me permitio fotografiarlo. Una persona muy interesante, él es de Sinaloa y vive en Puebla desde hace más de 20 años. Es artista y se dedica a la poesía principalmente. En el pasado llegó a ganar un concurso nacional de escultura y ser segundo lugar. Sus padres lo apoyaban como artista, pero querian que estudiara algo más que lo ayudara a mantenerse. Estudio filosofía y psicología. Inclusive llegó a dar clases de psicología en una universidad. También tiene algo de trotamundos, ya que ha viajado por todos los estados de México 4 veces y ha visitado 9 países. Estaba por tomarle las fotos, cuando empezó a bromear con una pareja que estaba cerca e hizo esta pose. This picture is #97 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at www.100Strangers.com
    • Model: NIKON D3000
    • X-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Y-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Resolution Unit: inches


Fotografías del zócalo y catedral de Puebla, México; tomadas durante Septiembre de 2011. Desenfoque realizado en post con On One Focal Point.

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