Exif info
    • JFIFVersion: 1.02
    • Resolution Unit: inches
    • X-Resolution: 72 dpi
    • Y-Resolution: 72 dpi
    • Compression: JPEG (old-style)
    • Image Description: OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
    • Compression: JPEG (old-style)
    • Image Description: SONY DSC
    • Make: SONY
    • Model: SLT-A55V
    • Orientation: Horizontal (normal)
    • X-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Y-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Compression: JPEG (old-style)
    • Image Description: Back to the main plaza for a last search for strangers. Walking around the place I saw Alejandra sitting in a sidewalk, she looked very peaceful and relaxed. I had to interrput her moment of a tranquility for a bit and talk with her about the project. She didn't mind and here we are. Alejandra is a Publicity student. We talked about photography for a few minutes and then i left so she could continue relaxing. ---------------------------------------------------------- De regreso al zócalo para dar la última vuelta y buscar desconocidos. Caminando por el lugar vi a Alejandra, se veía muy tranquila y relajada sentada en una de las banquetas del zócalo. Tuve que interrumpir su tranquilidad por unos instantes y hablarle del proyecto. No tuvo probelma y aquí estamos. Alejandra es estudiante de Publicidad. Hablamospor un rato de fotografía y me fuí para que continuara con su momento de relajación. This picture is #98 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at www.100Strangers.com
    • Model: NIKON D3000
    • X-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Y-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Resolution Unit: inches


Kiosko en el zócalo de Chignahuapan.

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