The day before christmas eve and i was hoping to find more people than usual walking around downtown streets. For my bad luck, the scene was almost the same as last week, only without the quinceañeras and chamblenas show at the main plaza. I tried to find people around downtown, but there wasn't anybody that caught my atention. I went to the main plaza hoping to have better luck and that's when i saw Marisol. Her kickass mohawk made me ask her for pictures for the project. Marisol is a musical comedy student and she just finished the first semester. In that moment she was waiting for a friend she hadn't seen since elementary school to have coffee and catch up. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Día previo a noche buena y esperaba que el centro tuviera más gente de lo habitual caminando por sus calles. Para mi mala fortuna, el escenario era casi identico al de la semana pasada, solo que sin el show de quinceañeras y chambelanes en el zócalo. Hice el intento de buscar gente por el centro, pero no hubo nadie que llamara mi atención. Fuí al zócalo esperando tener mejor suerte y fue cuando vi a Marisol. Su genial mohawk me obligó a pedirle una foto para el proyecto. Marisol es estudiante de comedia musical y acaba de terminar el primer semestre. En ese momento ella estaba esperando a una amiga que no veía desde la primaria para tomar café y ponerse al corriente. This picture is #92 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at