Image Description: Walking around the main plaza i saw Samantha and Melody walking near the cathedral. I had a brief enconunter with them, it seemed they were in a hurry, at least i managed to make them stop so i could take them a few pictures. I had time to ask them what they do for a living, to which Samantha answered: "Vacations".
Caminando alrededor del zócalo vi a Samantha y Melody caminando cerca de la catedral. Fue un encuentro rápido el que tuve con ellas, tenían prisa, almenos logré que se detuvieran para tomarles unas cuantas fotos. Les alcancé a preguntar a qué se dedicaban, a lo que Samantha respondió: "Vacaciones".
This picture is #94 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at