With Eduardo happened something a bit curious, he was sitting near the white sculpture the first time i got to the main plaza that afternoon, in that moment didn't occur to me to talk with him about the project; I went for a walk around downtown, almost an hour later i returned to main plaza and he was still there; i took photos to Myriam an the group of friends of yesterday's image and he was there. It seemed like signal, or he was just wating for someone. Anyway i approached to ask if he would let me photograph him. Eduardo in an architecture student, without any preference for a type of construction he would like to design. He has one thing on mind as a personal project for the future, he would like to design his own house, because nobody will tell him what to add to the house and how to build it. We kept talking and he also likes photography, he said that despite using a compact digital camera he takes good pictures, compensating it with good angles and compositions but at the end he wants to buy a DSLR. I told him that he didn't have to worry about that because there is no better camera than the one you have at the moment. --------------------------------------------------- Con Eduardo pasó algo curioso, él estaba sentado cerca de la escultura blanca la primera vez que llegué al zócalo aquella tarde, en ese momento no se me ocurrió hablarle del proyecto; fuí a caminar por el centro, casi una hora después regreso al zócalo y seguía ahí; le tomé fotos a Myriam y al grupo de amigas de la imagen de ayer y ahí estaba. Me pareció una señal, o simplemente podría estar esperando a alguien. En fin, me acerqué para ver si me permitía fotografiarlo. Eduardo es estudiante de arquitectura, sin preferencia por algun tipo de construcción que le gustaría diseñar. Lo que si tiene en mente es un proyecto personal a futuro, diseñar su propia casa, porque así nadie le llegará a decir qué ponerle y cómo construirla. Seguimos hablando y a él también le gusta la fotografía, dijo que a pesar de usar una cámara compacta digital toma buena fotos, compensandolo con buenos angulos y composiciones, pero que al final le gustaría tener una DSLR. Le dije que por el momento no se preocupara tanto porque no hay mejor cámara que la que tienes en el momento. This picture is #63 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at www.100Strangers.com