Image Description: After missing the chance to photograph 2 girls (one of them with an afro) on a 2 floor tandem bike, i went to the main plaza to recover from seeing such awesome scene and look for people for hte project. I saw Myriam talking on the phone and waited for her to finish so i could ask her for a photo.
Having doubts about her outfit, i had to give the first question a good thought and with all due respect i asked if that was her daily outfit or just a halloween costume, she look me weird and said it was her daily outfit, i apologized for the question and told her taht because of halloween being so close i had to confirm. Anyway, Myriam is a psychology student, she wants to focus on the social part of it, so later she can study criminal minds.
Después de perder la oportunidad de fotografiar a 2 chicas (una de ellas con un afro) en una bicicleta tandem de 2 pisos, fuí al zócalo a recuperarme de la impresión de tan genial escena y a buscar personas para el proyecto. Vi a Myriam hablando por telefono y esperé a que terminara para poder pedirle una foto.
Teniendo dudas de su atuendo, había que pensar bien la pregunta inicial y con el debido respeto pregunté si así se vestía diario o era su disfraz para halloween, me vio raro y dijo que así vestía diario, me disculpe por la pregunta y le dije que por lo cerca que estaba halloween tenía que confirmar. Myriam es estudiante de psicología que busca enfocarse al área social de la carrera para después poder estudiar mentes criminales.
This picture is #61 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at