Image Description: Last stranger of the day, i was chilling at El Barrio del artista and in the bench next to mine was Arturo with his friends, he stood out from his friends because the way he was dressed, specially because of the bow tie.
Arturo is a medicine freshman, about the bow tie, the one he was wearing has a clip, but he knows how to do knot, but he doesn't use it because it falls apart very often while he's in school. About being a doctor, he doesn't have defined a specialty yet, but he would like to specialize in virology to travel to Africa and try to find a cure for AIDS.
Sorry about the bluriness on his face, don't know what happened there and i didn't used another photo because i really liked this one, he was very serious in the first shots but then he started to smile out of nowhere.
Último desconocido del día, en el barrio del artista descansando y en la banca junto a la mia, estaba Arturo con sus amigos, sobresalía de ellos por como iba vestido, en especial por el moño.
Arturo es estudiante de primer semestre de medicina, con respecto al moño, el que traía en ese momento era de seguro, pero si sabe hacer el nudo, pero no lo usa cuando esta en la escuela porque se le deshace muy seguido. En cuanto a ser médico, no tiene una especialidad definida aún, pero le gustaría especializarse en viroligía para viajar a África y tratar de encontrar una cura para el SIDA.
Una disculpa por lo barrido de su cara, no sé qué pasó ahí y no quize usar otra porque en las primeras que le tomé salió muy serio y luego de la nada empezó a sonreir.
This picture is #57 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at