I've seen the captain in movies before, i don't know if he still counts as a stranger. It was imposible to not photograph such distinguished gentleman. I had my doubts if it was him, but he confirmed it, Captain Jack Sparrow. He was resting in the main plaza after extensive search for the black pearl. He invited me to join his crew, but i declined his invitation. Have you seen what happens to his crew? Definitely that's not for me. He told that i look like a commodore's son, which according to him, i would have at least 15 chicks going crazy for me, but that wasn't nothing, because he can have twice as many women than any commodore, I don't doubt that. He got tired of talking as a pirate and we got back to reality, the person who brings to life our local Jack Sparrow is named Omar. I have seen him before, but untill that day i felt confident enough to photograph him for the project. His costume (very well done if you ask me) cost him something around 1500 pesos, with each and everyone of it's elements done by hand from other things. He listed the things that make the costume uncomfortable: the wig which it's very tight; the belt with the sword and the pistol that don't let him to walk freely; and the boots that are annoying after walking with them for a while. Captain, thanks a lot for allowing to be photographed by this simple commodore's son. Al capitán solo lo había visto en el cine, no sé si cuente como desconocido. Imposible no fotografiar a tan distinguido caballero. Tenía mis dudas de si era no, pero él mismo me lo confirmo, Capitán Jack Sparrow. Estaba descansando en el zócalo después de una extensa busqueda del perla negra. Me invito a formar parte de su tripulación, pero decliné su invitación. ¿Han visto lo que le pasa a su tripulación? Definitivamente eso no es para mi. Me dijo que parecía hijo de comodoro, que según él, tendría al menos a 15 chicas locas por mi, pero me dijo que eso no era nada porque él puede tener el doble de mujeres que cualquier comodoro, no lo dudo. Se cansó de hablar como pirata y regresamos a la realidad, la persona que le da vida al Jack Sparrow local se llama Omar. Ya lo había visto antes, pero hasta esa ocasión me sentí lo bastante confiado como para fotografiarlo para el proyecto. Su disfraz (muy bien hecho si me preguntan) le costó alrededor de 1500 pesos, con cada uno de sus elementos hechos a mano a partir de otras cosas. Me enlistó todo lo que hace incomodo al disfraz: la peluca que le queda muy ajustada; el cinturon con la espada y la pistola que no le permite moverse libremente; y las botas que son molestas después de caminar un rato. Capítan muchas gracias por permitir ser fotografiado por este simple hijo de comodoro. This picture is #39 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at www.100Strangers.com