Puebla es el Relicario de América

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Exif info
    • JFIFVersion: 1.02
    • Resolution Unit: inches
    • X-Resolution: 72 dpi
    • Y-Resolution: 72 dpi
    • Compression: JPEG (old-style)
    • Make: Canon
    • Model: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi
    • Compression: JPEG (old-style)
    • Model: NIKON D5000
    • Orientation: Horizontal (normal)
    • X-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Y-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Resolution Unit: inches
    • Compression: JPEG (old-style)
    • Image Description: After taking Christian's picture i felt i was in a good streak photographing strangers. Went to El Parian where a lady from a clothes store didn't let me to take her picture (guess i talked too soon). Anyway, i stayed at El Parian for a while and met Alicia, who asked me if i was sure of photographing her, which i was. I thought she was going to feel kinda uncomfortable while taking her pictures, but no, she gave me this pose, Alicia is from Mexicali and she's a physiotherapy student. When i gave her my email adress, she asked me if it was to complain about the photos, we both laughed and told her she could do that, but also she could write me so i could send her a copy of her pictures. Después de fotografiar a Christian sentí que estaba teniendo una buena racha fotografiando desconocidos. Fuí al parian donde la vendedora de una tienda de ropa no me permitio fotografiarla (hablé demasiado pronto al parecer). En fin, me quedé en el parian otro rato y conocí a Alicia, quien me pregunto si estaba seguro de quererla fotografiar, que si estaba. Pensé que se iba a sentir un tanto incomoda pero no, me regaló esta pose. Alicia es de Mexicali y es estudiante de fisioterapia. Cuando le dí mi correo, me pregunto que si era para reclamarme, los dos reimos y le dije que si quería adelante, pero también me podía escribir para enviarle una copia de las fotos. This picture is #29 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at www.100Strangers.com
    • Model: NIKON D3000
    • X-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Y-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Resolution Unit: inches