Ater meeting Alicia i said to myself: "Myself, lets go for 30". I was heading to el teatro principal when i saw Natalia crossing the street, altough she looked in a hurry i said hi, she didn't stopped and talked about the project walking with her. She stopped so i could take her the pictures. While i was taking my camera out of my bag i had a quick conversation with her, Natalia is from Argentina and she's studying cinematography in Mexico City. Took the pictures, she asked if the pictures were ok for me and continued her path. After photgraphing 4 people for the project i returned home very pleased. Después de conocer a Alicia me dije a mi mismo: "Mi mismo, vamos por los 30 ". Iba en camino hacia el teatro principal cuando ví a Natalia cruzar la calle, a pesar de que se veía apurada la saludé, no se detuvoy le comenté acerca del proyecto caminando y se detuvo para que le pudiera tomar las fotos. En el inter que sacaba mi cámara platiqué rápido con ella, Natalia es de Argentina y estudia cinematografía en el DF. Tomé las fotos, me pregunto si me servían y siguio su camino. Después de haber fotografiado a 4 personas para el proyecto regresé a mi casa muy satisfecho. This picture is #30 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at