Puebla es el Relicario de América

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Exif info
    • error: Search failed due to error: Permission denied (error #2)
    • Compression: JPEG (old-style)
    • Image Description: I met Luis next to the cathedral while he was doing tricks with his bike. Luis is from Saltillo and he's in Puebla because of his girlfriend and also to do kind of a social service in a local middle school. He's been doing BMX for 7 years and he has participated in several national tournaments and an international one organized by Red Bull in 2007, where he finished 8th out of 14 competitors. After this picture i took him a few more while he was doing tricks, you will se some of them in a comment below. Conocí a Luis junto a la catedral mientras hacía trucos con su bicicleta. Luis es de Saltillo y está en Puebla por su novia y también para realizar sus estadías profesionales en una secundaria. Lleva practicando BMX desde hace 7 años ha participado en varios torneos nacionales y uno internacional en 2007 organizado por Red Bull, donde terminó en 8vo de 14 competidores. Después de esta foto le tomé unas cuantas fotos más mientras hacía trucos, podran ver algunas en un comentario abajo. This picture is #23 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at www.100Strangers.com
    • Model: NIKON D3000
    • X-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Y-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Resolution Unit: inches
    • Compression: JPEG (old-style)
    • Model: NIKON D3000
    • X-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Y-Resolution: 240 dpi
    • Resolution Unit: inches
    • Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.4.1

Esperando con ancia...

Sesión fotográica con Luz natural en interior. Fotográfo: Edgar O. Camarillo Zavala Modelo: Lupita

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