I was heading home, kinda dissapointed because i couldn't photgraphed anyone that afternoon. I walked one last time through barrio del artista hoping that someone could save the day. That's when i saw Angelo with his skateboard. These 3 skater kids haven't been skating for a long time, they started just one month ago. Ya iba para mi casa, un tanto decepcionado porque no había podido fotografiar a alguien esa tarde. Di una última vuelta por el barrio del artista haber si encontraba a alguien que pudiera salvar esa tarde. Fue cuando ví a Angelo a lo lejos con su patineta. Estos 3 chavitos skaters, no tienen tanto de haberse subido a la patineta, tienen apenas 1 mes. This picture is #15 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at www.100Strangers.com