Thalia is Antonio's project partner. Their project consisted in showing the solidarity that we must have with the people that work in the city's cleaning department. In this case we can be solidary by not throwing thrash in the street. Returning to Thalia, she's a marketing student and her part of the project was to take the pictures. For her pic she ask me to portrayed her while she was taking me a photo. Finished taking the pictures and Antonio asked if she took my pictures, she said no, we started to laugh, saw Thalias's smile and quick took a pair of snapshots. Before leaving they asked me if i could help with tehir project, i posed as if i was throwing trash and then Antonio made me change my mind and throw the garbage in a trashcan. I hope that was helpful for tehir project. Thalia es la compañera de proyecto de Antonio. Su proyecto consistía en mostrar la solidaridad que debemos de tener con las personas que trabajan en el servicio de limpia. En este caso podemos ser solidarios con ellos no tirandobasura en la calle. Regresando a Thalia, ella es estudiante de Marketing y su parte del proyecto consistía en tomar las fotos. Para la foto me dijo que la retratara tomandome una foto. Terminé de tomar las fotos y Antonio le pregunto que si había tomado las fotos y ella dijo que no, nos empezamos a reir, vi la sonrisa de Thalia y rápido le tomé un par de fotos más. Antes de irme me pidieron que les ayudara con su proyecto, posando como si tirara basura y Antonio me hacia cambiar de parecer y tiraba la basura en un bote. Espero que haya sido de ayuda para su proyecto. This picture is #14 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at