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Pico de Orizaba

Copyright© Jesús Guzmán-Moya This image is protected under International Copyright laws and may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without written permission. Pico de Orizaba o Citlaltépetl, también llamado Poyauhtécatl, cerro de la Estrella o volcán de San Andrés, es un pico montañoso de México que forma parte del sistema orográfico sierra Madre oriental y del eje Volcánico transversal o sistema Tarasco-Nahua, y se alza en el estado de Puebla, cerca del límite con Veracruz. Es la cumbre más alta del país, con 5.610 m de altitud, y está situado al noreste de Ciudad Serdán, dentro del Parque nacional Pico de Orizaba. El pico es de origen volcánico, se halla en estado durmiente, pese a esporádicos episodios de actividad fumarólica; en él se localizan grandes vetas de obsidiana y cristal volcánico, utilizados por las antiguas culturas para elaborar instrumentos y objetos de arte. Su forma se acerca a la cónica clásica y su cumbre está siempre nevada, presentando un gran número de pequeños relieves volcánicos a su alrededor. El cráter es ovalado, de unos 500 m de eje mayor por unos 400 m de eje menor, y tiene una profundidad de 300 metros. Carece de huellas de la época glacial, por lo que se supone que estuvo en erupción en 1547. Las erupciones volcánicas que se tienen registradas ocurrieron en 1537, 1545-50, 1559, 1566, 1569, 1613, 1630 y 1687. Peak of Orizaba or Citlaltépetl, also Poyauhtécatl call, hill of the Star or volcano of San Andrés, is a mountainous peak of Mexico that comprises of the orographic system mountain range Eastern Mother and of the cross-sectional Volcanic axis or Tarasco-Nahua system, and is raised in the state of Puebla, near the limit with Veracruz. It is the highest summit of the country, with 5,610 ms of altitude, and is located to the northeast of Serdán City, within the national Park Peak of Orizaba. The Peak is of volcanic origin, is in sleeping state, in spite of sporadic episodes of fumarólica activity; in him obsidian veins of and volcanic crystal are located to great, used by the old cultures to elaborate instruments and objects of art. Its form approaches the classic conic section and its summit is always snowed, presenting/displaying a great number of small volcanic reliefs to his around. The crater is made oval, of about 500 ms of greater axis by about 400 ms of smaller axis, and has a depth of 300 meters. It lacks tracks of the glacial time, reason why one assumes that it was in eruption in 1547. The volcanic eruptions that are had registered happened in 1537, 1545-50, 1559, 1566, 1569, 1613, 1630 and 1687.

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