Exif info
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    • Make: Canon
    • JFIFVersion: 1.02
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    • X-Resolution: 300 dpi
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    • Resolution Unit: inches
    • Software: ArcSoft Panorama Maker 6
    • Date and Time (Modified): 2013:08:02 09:33:33
    • YCbCr Positioning: Centered

Ex-Hacienda de Chautla (http://exhaciendadechautla.gob.mx/index.html)

Uno de sus principales encantos es un pequeño castillo del siglo XIX, que se ubica en el centro de un lago artificial, construido con tabiques rojos y resguardado por cuatro torres con aplicaciones en color blanco. Es famoso por haber sido escenario para la filmación de películas, series, telenovelas y videos musicales. One of its main attractions is a small nineteenth-century castle, located in the center of an artificial lake, built with red walls and guarded by four towers with white color applications. It is famous for having been the site for the filming of movies, series, soap operas and music videos. Carretera Federal Puebla-Mexico KM 4.5 San Lucas El Grande, 74120 San Martin Texmelucan de Labastida, Puebla 01 248 481 0052

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